MHABC Quarterly Newsletter Fall 2023


Highlights Board Matters Statistics


2024 Summit Program Development Well Along

The 2024 BC Modular Housing Summit will take place April 29 to May 1, 2024, at the Penticton Lakeside Resort and is set to continue focus on modular’s roadmap to housing solutions. Similar to 2023, the 2024 event will feature a full day of concurrent speaker sessions, an informative workshop, and multiple networking opportunities. This event will once again be marketed to MHABC Members, key municipal planners, government officials, real estate professionals, and industry supporters. Continued planning is underway to confirm session speakers, the development of an official event sponsorship package and banquet entertainment. Details will be uploaded to the MHABC website over the coming months with Delegate registration set to open in February 2024.


MHABC Welcomes Incoming Executive Director

On November 1, the MHABC Board welcomed incoming Executive Director Sukh Johal to the MHABC leadership team. Sukh joins the MHABC with an impressive background, having served as the Executive Director of the Western Wood Truss Association of British Columbia, the Technical Manager for Midrise & Tall Wood, and the Technical Lead at the Canadian Wood Council. His extensive knowledge and expertise in the field make him well-equipped to contribute to the growth and development of our association. Over the past month, Sukh has travelled to visit members throughout British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan to learn more on their businesses and how the MHABC can best assist in propelling our industry forward.


Government Advocacy Program and Innovations Project Review – UPDATE

Our Advocacy initiatives over the last several months have focused on ensuring that modular manufacturing is considered in the upcoming Provincial housing initiatives.

In the fall legislative session, the B.C. government introduced a suite of legislation focused on delivering more homes, faster. Last week it further announces regulation details and technical resources to support the implementation. We are working to ensure that the Province and Municipalities recognize that our Association and Factory built hoes are the only way they will achieve these goals.

As you are aware, earlier this year we developed a Modular Friendly Bylaw reference guide, Modular Permitting Check list and a Modular Inspectors Check list. These documents were developed to assist in the Provincial initiative and a tool to developing a Provincial modular program. We have been meeting with both Provincial and Municipal authorities to further advance this goal.

This year’s Modular Summit will focus on the Provincial Housing legislation and how modular will help make this happen. It is very important that all members attend the Summit as we will be discussing the Provincial program and providing important member information to use in your community.

2023/2024 BOARD of DIRECTORS

Meet Our Board

Chris Andersen - Acting President (Vice President)

Iconic Island Dwellings

Amanda Hammer - Treasurer

Hammer Ventures

Shawn Donohoe - Director

Shamrock Manufactured Home Services

Ashlee Garratt - Director

Moduline Penticton

Dean Johnstone - Director

SRI Homes Kelowna

Ash Neudorf - Director

Blackstone Homes

Todd Plotnikoff - Director

Northpoint Commercial Finance

Matthew Salmon - President

Triple M Housing Ltd.

Phil Sensenig - Director

Pineridge Modular

Raymond Weicker - Director

Ray’s Towing Ltd.

Sukh Johal - Executive Director


Jen Barter - Contract Administrator


Special thanks to our Key Partner Fortis.
Please visit for information on Delivering a Clean Energy Future.

Board Matters

Fall 2023 Board Meeting Schedule

During the Fall, the Board held video conference calls on October 10 and November 22, 2023. The next meeting is scheduled to be held via video conference on January 9, 2024.

Home Shipments Behind Plan For 3rd Quarter Ending November 30

Home shipments for the 3rd quarter, ending November 30th, remain below plan shipments by 11.1% with our fiscal total to date below plan by 13.5%. The 2023-24 budget is based upon an average of 60 home shipments per month and is seeing an actual of 52 homes per month in the 3rd quarter and average of 51 homes fiscal year to date.

As a result, revenues are lower than planned.

Transportation Update

5.0M approval pilot projects: Hwy 33, 3 May 2023, Hammer Ventures, CVSE and MOTI went on a 16 wide haul from Kelowna to Fruitvale to see if they will open up Hwy 33 & 3. Follow up on this matter is currently taking place.

BCTA and MOTI had a proposal to open Hwy 24 for possibly opening this road up to 5.0M and this matter is currently being reviewed.

Summerland Construction: As of Dec 7, 2023 travel restrictions for all oversize loads are still in place from 9pm – 5am. All transporters must contact Summerland Traffic Control 250-306-9483. Please be aware, a traffic pattern change update is set to take place on December 12, 2023.

HWY 4 Cathedral Forest Construction: Travel time restrictions for oversize load 3.2m wider are currently in effect from 9pm – 5am. Details can be found on Drive BC and transporters are contact Central Permitting for instructions.

New Information: The MHABC has been invited by CVSE to an Industry session for all oversize/overweight loads travelling on the BC Infrastructures that is set to take place on Dec 20, 2023. Members will be updated in the new year on takeaways from this meeting.

CVSE has also been in negotiations with the MHABC to further assist transport companies in understanding which side roads within the province are classified as “Provincial Roads” and which are not. CVSE is working on creating a system to be able to identify the differing road types and allow transporters to apply for and ensure they have the correct permits to travel upon each.

Extra Ordinary Applications: Negotiations on further streamlining these processes to increase processing time has been a topic at hand for the MHABC. Currently applications are taking anywhere from 2-4 weeks to be processed. Specifics have not yet been communicated.

Marketing Program Update

The MHABC’s Marketing Committee continues to provide on-going guidance to FRESH INC, the marketing firm overseeing the MHABC’s marketing activities. These including managing, undertaking social media campaigns and providing design support in preparing necessary items required for the upcoming 2024 Summit and Innovations Awards. Most recently, MHABC staff, worked with the team at FRESH INC to design a “Become a Member” page on the website. The intention of this new page is to highlight the benefits of MHABC Membership and to provide a simple portal for interested parties to reach out to the MHABC for further information. Online brand impressions continue to grow, as do direct clicks from viewers to (with a surplus in activity when video snippets are utilized vs static image posts) to gather further.

MHABC Group Health Benefits

Please keep the MHABC’s Group Health Benefits Program in mind. Information is available by contacting the office.

Proud Supporters of the Ronald McDonald House Charity

The MHABC is a contributor to the Ronald McDonald House Charity – BC and the Yukon. Contributions are made quarterly based upon the number of homes shipped during the prior quarter. Ronald McDonald House serves the children (and families) of BC and the Yukon requiring treatment at Childrens Hospital.



Shipments and Certification Type Year to Date Report ending February 28, 2022