2021 Virtual Conference Held Successfully
The MHABC’s 2021 Conference, including the Annual General Meeting, was held successfully on April 30th. The Conference included an initial presentation by FortisBC’s Ben Nishi on new energy technologies, an economic update provided by Credit 1 Credit Union’s Bryan Yu, an update on home purchasing preferences by Avid Rating’s Tim Bailey and concluded with an update on the Agriculture Land Reserve policy on secondary homes by Ministry of Agriculture ADM Jennifer McGuire. During the latter presentation, Ms. McGuire advised that grandfathering of the original policy concerning secondary homes was being extended to December 31st while the Ministry finalizes an updated policy.
The Annual General Meeting commenced promptly at 11 am. The standard legal requirements were addressed including review and approval of financial statements and ratification of 2021-22 home shipment rates. Executive Committee members and staff provided updates on Board activities during the past year as well as expectations for the upcoming year. The Board also presented a proposal for updating of MHABC by-laws respecting the number of display homes on Retailer sites. Further information on the new Board and AGM follow-up are addressed in next sessions of the Newsletter. Thanks go out to the all the Members and guests who participated in the four-hour virtual conference.

Planning for 2022 Conference Underway
The Board is optimistic that an in-person conference can be held in 2022 with planning and organization well underway. The Penticton Lakeside Conference Centre has been determined as the venue with dates Monday, May 2 to Wednesday, May 4th confirmed. While the Program will evolve over the next year, it is anticipated the golf tournament will be held on the Monday and Annual General Meeting on Wednesday morning. Business sessions, presentation and the Banquet will all happen in between. Please book the date now and plan on great event next May. See you in Penticton.

FORTIS BC to partner with MHABC
During the 2021 Virtual Conference, FORTIS BC was asked to take the poll position in making a presentation. This results from a recent agreement established between FortisBC and the MHABC in sharing information and allowing FORTIS BC to showcase new energy opportunities including the promotion of renewable natural gas. This agreement is intended to span an initial one-year period but is hoped this can be extended as both organizations benefit from the partnership.
2021/2022 BOARD of DIRECTORS
Meet Our Board
Matthew Salmon - President
Triple M Housing Ltd.
Mark Ellis - Vice-President
Eagle Homes
Amanda Hammer - Treasurer
Hammer Ventures
Chris Anderson - Director
Iconic Island Homes
Shawn Donohoe - Director
Shamrock Manufactured Home Services
Ashlee Garratt - Director
Moduline Penticton
Dean Johnstone - Director
SRI Homes Kelowna
Michael Newton - Director
Lakeridge Homes Inc.
Todd Plotnikoff - Director
Northpoint Financial
Michael Unger - Director
Blackstone Homes
Raymond Weicker - Director
Ray’s Towing Ltd.
Board Matters

Spring 2021 Board Meeting Schedule
During the Spring, Board held calls on March 30, April 20th, involved in the April 30 Annual General Meeting and on June 8th in keeping with the six-week meeting schedule.
The next meeting will be held by videoconference on Tuesday, August 24th following the summer recess.
Home Shipments Exceed Plan for 1st Quarter Ending May 31st
Home shipments at the end of the 1st quarter substantially exceeded plan shipments. The 2021-22 budget is based upon an average of 55 home shipments per month. The actual shipments amounted to 249 homes for an average at the end of the 1st quarter of 83 homes per month.
The impacts on overall finances have obviously been influenced by the higher shipments with a surplus of revenues over expenses of approximately $9,000 and increasing Members Equity.
AGM Follow-up Consultation
As referenced in the 2021 Conference update, the Board is proposing to amend the MHABC by-laws towards increasing the number of display homes required for Retailers with store-front operations. Currently the by-laws require only one display home. The Board is proposing to increase this number to three homes. The Board will continue consultation with Members over the next few months. Subject to the input received via the consultation process, the Board may elect to bring forward a proposal for a by-law change during the 2022 Annual General Meeting.
Transportation Update
Transportation Directors Ray Weicker and Amanda Hammer have held calls recently with CVSE officials.
Of note, Commercial Transport Manager Jan Lansing has been temporarily moved to a strategic planning position and is expected to return later in 2021. Jan’s staff are handling her responsibilities during the interim period and have participated in the conference calls.
Key topics have included a review of an MHABC proposal to provide more flexibility in wide-load permits. Challenges have always been experienced where large homes are moved during night-time periods and are then unable to be located into manufactured home parks or other sites due to the timing restrictions or other impediments. The new policy flexibility is anticipated to resolve many of these challenges.
The Directors have also addressed recent challenges in location of no-post rails resulting in more difficulties or outright prohibition in transporting of wide loads. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure have taken action to resolve the problems being encountered.
Standard information shared on these calls involves providing an update on experience in receiving permits. Currently Member companies are enduring significant delays in the permitting process. CVSE has responded that the demand for permits has increased significantly in recent years placing more demands on Provincial Permit Centre staff. The information provided has been welcomed by the CVSE officials and they have agreed to investigate the time delays being encountered.

Marketing Program Update
The MHABC’s Marketing Committee is comprised of multiple Directors and FRESH INC staff. The committee typically meets in advance of Board meetings with the agenda set by FRESH INC. The principal topics include MHABC.com performance as well as future webinar production. FRESH INC has requested Committee member recommendations on future webinar topics. Any Members with further recommendations are welcome to submit these to the MHABC office.
MHABC Strategic Plan Being Updated
The MHABC operates on a 5-year strategic plan which currently spans the period 2017-2022. With the plan period near conclusion, the Board will initiate a consultation process with the Members as the plan is being updated. Strategic plans are important documents as they set the direction for an organization such as the MHABC, especially laying out what the MHABC is expected to provide to the Membership. Members are encouraged to provide input as the plan update process evolves.

MHABC Sales Agreement Revised
The MHABC holds an internal Sales Agreement for use by any Member. Recently the Sales Agreement underwent a legal review to address uncertainty associated with building materials access. Those members currently using the Agreement have been provided a copy of the revised. Other Members not using the Agreement can contact the office for more information.
Welcome to New Member
Welcome to new Member S. Fisher Transport.
MHABC Group Health Benefits
Please keep the MHABC’s Group Health Benefits Program in mind. Information is available by contacting the office.

Proud Supporters of the Ronald McDonald House Charity
The MHABC is a contributor to the Ronald McDonald House Charity – BC and the Yukon. Contributions are made quarterly based upon the number of homes shipped during the prior quarter. Ronald McDonald House serves the children (and families) of BC and the Yukon requiring treatment at Childrens Hospital.
Whats New?
MHABC Announces Grant McDowell Memorial Bursary 2021 Awards
The MHABC offers annual bursaries for students of MHABC Members and employees graduating in 2021 and entering post-secondary education this fall. For 2021, two applications were received, and both were deserving of receiving a bursary, which for 2021, amounts to $ 1,500 each. The applicants receiving awards were Ella Giesbrecht and Isaac Ellis.
Pictures of the award winners will be highlighted in the summer Newsletter.
Stress Test Changes to Both Uninsured and Insured Mortgages Announced With Thanks to the CHBA BC
Changes to the uninsured stress test will take effect June 1; and in new news, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland has announced that the same changes are now coming to the stress test for insured mortgages, also effective June 1, to keep both streams of the mortgage system aligned.
The stress test rate will now be the greater of the borrower’s mortgage contract rate plus two per cent, or 5.25 per cent (this is an increase from the floor of about 4.79 per cent right now). This will apply to mortgages approved on June 1, 2021, or later.
Per CHBA’s previous notice to members, according to OSFI: “If a mortgage is pre-approved before June 1, the new minimum qualifying rate does not apply, even if the sale doesn’t close until after June 1. However, there must also be a signed purchase and sale agreement.” It is therefore recommended that you ensure all of your clients, for sales prior to June 1, have all the necessary documentation from their financial institutions accordingly.
Read the Full Article on CHBA BCConstruction Workers Prioritized for COVID-19 Vaccine With Thanks to CHBA BC
On May 10th, Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health Region announced that workers in the construction industry will now be prioritized to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations. Construction staff in these health regions that are 18 years or older and who have not already received their first dose, can now register on the Provincial vaccination system for frontline workers. To do so, please find instructions as well as information on what to expect in the following letters from Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health Region. This is a significant milestone that has been reached, and CHBA BC strongly encourages all members to consider booking their vaccination appointments.
Read the Full Article on CHBA NationalElectronic Logging Device Update With Thanks to the BC Trucking Assn
On Wednesday, May 5th, 2021 the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) issued a message regarding the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate coming into force on June 12, 2021.Due to the many challenges caused by COVID-19, jurisdictions will adopt a progressive enforcement strategy with no penalties until June 12, 2022. Over the 12 months, the strategy will allow for timely adoption of ELDs, including the purchase, installation, and training required for compliance. The main challenge the industry faces today regarding the ELD mandate includes obtaining and installing certified ELDs. The lack of third-party certified ELDs remains a concern, however the progress of certified ELDs entering the market will continue to be monitored. A list of approved devices can be found on the Transport Canada website as they become certified. The BC Trucking Association (BCTA) continues to support the ELD mandate and anticipates working closely with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) to shape the provincial progressive enforcement strategy.
Step 2 of BC's Restart Plan With Thanks to BC Trucking Association For Update
Beginning on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, British Columbia will transition into Step 2 of its Restart Plan. Public health safety protocols, such as mask wearing in all indoor public spaces and physical distancing, will remain in place during Step 2. More than 75% of adults are vaccinated with their first dose, exceeding the target Step 2 minimum threshold of 65%. Progress through each step of the plan will be measured by the number of people vaccinated, COVID-19 case counts and hospitalizations and deaths and other key public health metrics.
Personal Gatherings:
- Indoor personal visitors- up to 5 people or one household
- Outdoor personal gatherings- up to 50 people
Organized Gatherings
- Indoor seated organized gatherings- up to 50 people with a COVID-19 Safety Plan
- Outdoor seated organized gatherings- up to 50 people with a COVID-19 Safety Plan
- Provincial travel ban lifted, recreational travel within B.C allowed
- Out of province non-essential travel advisory continues
- Indoor & outdoor dining for groups up to 6 people
- Liquor service at restaurants, bars and pubs extended until midnight
- Indoor faith gatherings – a maximum of 50 people, or 10% of a place of worship’s total capacity, whichever number is greater – with safety plans
- Continued return to the workplace
- Small, in-person meetings allowed
- Existing WorkSafeBC safety plans remain in place
The earliest target start date for Step 3 is July 1, and Sept. 7 for Step 4. For more information on BC’s Step 2 Plan, please refer to the BC Government News Release here.
Shipments and Certification Type Year to Date Report ending May 31, 2021

Press Release: MHABC Applauds Vancouver’s Natural Gas Amendment for Attainable Housing
July 26, 2024
The Northern Flickee – Seamlessly Blending Innovative Building Techniques with Modern Comforts
May 14, 2024
Chateau De Vine - Sustainably Built for Longevity and a Brighter Tomorrow (Naturally)
May 14, 2024