2023 Summit a Great Success!
By all accounts, the 2023 SUMMIT held at Harrison’s Hot Springs Resort was a great success starting with the need to close registrations as group size restrictions were met early.
The event commenced on Monday, May 8th with a golf tournament held at the Sandpiper Golf Resort on the Harrison River. All players speaking about the sunshine and great conditions of the course. Low Gross Winners were Michael Unger, Peter Young and Trent Kell with the low net going to Darren Bassett, Ash Neudorf, Matt Salmon and Frank Ambler. The Ice Breaker that evening was very well attended and only concluded when the bar closing hour was met.
Tuesday, May 9th was initiated with opening comments made by President Matthew Salmon and Harrison Councilor Michie Vidal. The morning then proceeded with concurrent sessions including Central 1 Credit Union’s Bryan Yu providing the economics presentation and Paul Binotto, Gord Rattray and Ken Kunka discussing modular home challenges and opportunities. This was followed by the second concurrent session including Canada Mortgage and Housing’s Laura Kershaw as well as Graham Finch of RDH Building Sciences. During the 2nd concurrent session, the MHABC’s Annual General Meeting was held involving those Members in good standing. All the documentation provided for the AGM including the meeting minutes have been uploaded on the MHABC’s Members Only Google drive.
The afternoon included a keynote provide by FortisBC’s Ben Nishi followed by a presentation by Dr. Mohamed Al Hussien on the Road to Net Zero. Increased networking opportunities were built into this year’s program and well taken advantage of.
The day concluded with the President’s Banquets, Awards Announcements, and entertainment by Dueling Pianos Vancouver. Antidotal information advises the fun went on until very early in the morning.
Wednesday May 10th included technical presentations by Dr. Mohamed Al Hussein on plant efficiencies, Total Homes Gilles Lesage on meeting current Step Code requirements and related assessment and concluded with a workshop provided by the BCIT School of Construction and the Environment.
All in all, the 2023 Summit was a very successful event. Follow-up polling confirming strong support for the program and provided recommendations suggested presentation topics for the 2024 Summit. An announcement on the location and venue for the 2024 event will be made in the fall.

Low Gross Winners: Mike Unger, Peter Young, Trent Kell

Low Net Winners: Darren Bassett, Ash Neudorf, Matthew Salmon, Frank Ambler

FortisBC’s Ben Nishi

Dr. Mohamed Al Hussein

Manufactured Housing Person of the Year Award: Dean Johnstone. Presented by MHABC President Mark Elliss

Z240MH Innovations Award: Halston Homes - Nick Kushniruk

A277 Innovations Award: Countryside Modular – Frank Ambler

Outgoing President and Banquet Prize Winner Matthew Salmon with MHABC’s Jen Barter

Duelling Pianos

Total Homes Step Code Presentation: Gilles Lesage

BC Institure of Technology Tradeshow Booth

BCIT Team delivering Step Code/Vapour Barrier workshop
2023/2024 BOARD of DIRECTORS
Meet Our Board
Mark Ellis - President
Eagle Homes
Chris Andersen - Vice President
Iconic Island Dwellings
Amanda Hammer - Treasurer
Hammer Ventures
Shawn Donohoe - Director
Shamrock Manufactured Home Services
Ashlee Garratt - Director
Moduline Penticton
Dean Johnstone - Director
SRI Homes Kelowna
Ash Neudorf - Director
Blackstone Homes
Todd Plotnikoff - Director
Northpoint Commercial Finance
Matthew Salmon - President
Triple M Housing Ltd.
Phil Sensenig - Director
Pineridge Modular
Raymond Weicker - Director
Ray’s Towing Ltd.
Gord Rattray - Executive Director
Jen Barter - Contract Administrator

Special thanks to our Key Partner Fortis.
Please visit Fortisinc.com for information on Delivering a Clean Energy Future.
Board Matters

Spring 2023 Board Meeting Schedule
During the Spring, the Board held video conference calls on March 28th, April 25, May 9th (in-person Annual General Meeting), and June 6th. The next meeting is scheduled for August 22nd following the summer break to be held by video-conference call.
Home Shipments Below Plan 4th Quarter Ending February 28, 2023
Home shipments at the end of the 1st quarter, ending May 31st were below plan. The 2023/24 budget is based upon an average of 50 home shipments per month with the actual average figure after the 1st quarter coming in at 50 homes per month for a total of 150 homes.
Secondary Homes Review Meeting
As a result of concerns raised by the Membership on the current policy restrictions for homes on ALR properties less than 40 hectares having a total floor area of 90 m2 or 970 sq. feet, the MHABCs Secondary Homes Working Group was requested to engage in a meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The MAF representative currently having responsibility for this policy is Mr. Eric Kristiansen, Assistant Deputy Minister. A Zoom call was held with Mr. Kristiansen on April 21st. During the call, it was agreed that the MHABC would prepare a briefing note outlining past activities on this policy and including recommendations for increases to the current size restriction. At the time of writing, the MAHBC is continuing discussions with Mr. Kristiansen on follow-up to the earlier meeting and briefing note content.
Transportation Update
The first quarter 2023/24 has been very busy in regard to Transportation activities including action on the Hwy 16 – Nechako Bridge upgrading, additional 5-meter-wide route piloting and a review of recommendations arising from CVSE’s Length and Widths review.
On the Nechako bridge upgrading, the MHABC was advised that width restrictions on one lane would be reduced to 3.8 meters. This size restriction would preclude the transport of homes to 5-meter-width until late into September. Discussions with CVSE and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has resulted in establishment of a strategy to allow these wider widths to be moved until mid-July when upgrading on the adjacent lane commences. The current strategy allows a portion of the homes to be moved over a sidewalk area however the adjacent lane does not have a sidewalk with the current strategy not able to be used on the lane way changeover commences. Members requiring to move homes along Hwy 16 are urged to give priority to these moves prior to mid-July.
On promotion of additional 5-meter-wide routes, member Hammer Ventures organizes a pilot trip from SRI Kelowna, along Hwy #33 and then Hwy #3 from Rock Creek to Castlegar, south through Trail and then onto Fruitvale. The pilot run was accompanied by MTI and CVSE officials were advised they did find any major bottle necks and will give consideration to establishing this total route as an approved 5-meter-wide route. Final determinations will be exhibited when CVSE updates the applicable T-forms.
Finally, CVSE recently released a summary of responses received on the recent Length and Widths review which was conducted by MNP LLP on behalf of CVSE. The MHABC provided a summary of recommendations during the consultation phase with many of these being addressed in CVSE follow-up on the report.

Marketing Program Update
Over the last few months, Members having been receiving updates on webinars developed by the Regional District Okanagan-Similkameen and approved for distribution by the MHABC through efforts by FRESH INC. These are important resources for Members having to deal with compliance with current Step Code 3 requirements.
MHABC Participation in Building Officials Association of BC Conference
Over the period, Sunday, May 28th through to Tuesday, May 30th, the MHABC participated in the Building Officials Association of BC Conference held at the River Rock Casino in Richmond. MHABC participation involved manning a tradeshow both commencing on the Sunday and running through to noon on Monday. Subsequent participation involved a technical presentation to approximately 30 building officials. As a standard procedure, the MHABC offers a door prize of a laptop case via collection of business cards. Over 50 cards were dropped off by those delegates visiting the booth which was only a small portion of actual visitations. The winner of the case was Mr. Troy Creek of the City of Dawson Creek.

MHABC Participation in Association of Interior Realtors Conference
On Monday, June 19th and Tuesday, June 20th, the MHABC participate in the annual Association of Interior Realtors Conference held in the Penticton Conference Centre. MHABC participation involved manning a tradeshow booth during the conference. With over 300 Real Estate agents attending the conference, visitations to the booth were high with many good discussions on factory-constructed home certification standards and the legal obligations for all real estate agents to understanding our industry and their ability to inform potential purchasers on the type of manufactured and modulars homes viewed.
MHABC Executive Director Recruitment Proceeding
The MHABC Executive Director recruitment team is continuing to assess applications and conducting interviews. The team is expected to be able to announce a final decision later in July.
MHABC Group Health Benefits
Please keep the MHABC’s Group Health Benefits Program in mind. Information is available by contacting the office.

Proud Supporters of the Ronald McDonald House Charity
The MHABC is a contributor to the Ronald McDonald House Charity – BC and the Yukon. Contributions are made quarterly based upon the number of homes shipped during the prior quarter. Ronald McDonald House serves the children (and families) of BC and the Yukon requiring treatment at Childrens Hospital.
Whats New?
Grant McDowell 2023 Memorial Bursary Award Recipient Announced
A single Grant McDowell 2023 Memorial Bursary Award has been presented to Jenna Gaudet of Nanaimo. Jenna provided her application under the auspices of Shamrock Modular Home Installations. As the single applicant in the 2023 bursary applications process, the Board has elected to grant Jenna a bursary amount of $ 3,000 owing to her scholastic abilities and high regard for her expressed by school staff. A picture of Jenna will be included in the summer update.
Housing Targets Announced
The BC Government announced the first round of municipalities that have been selected to fulfil provincially-set housing targets, according to the parameters set out in the Housing Supply Act (Bill 43)
The selected municipalities are:
- City of Abbotsford
- City of Delta
- City of Kamloops
- City of Port Moody
- City of Vancouver
- City of Victoria
- District Municipality of West Vancouver
- District of North Vancouver
- District of Oak Bay
- District Saanich
Housing Market Index Update
CHBA's Housing Market Index (HMI) for both single-family and multi-family have increased slightly in Q1 2023 from their prior record lows, marking the first increase in builder sentiment this year. This slight increase is indicative of slightly better conditions, reflective of the playeau on interest rates. But while 36% of respondents explained that traffic is starting to return somewhat, the market remains slow, and 64% of builders still expect to have fewer starts in 2023 than they did in 2022. With ongoing labour shortages, more productivity is needed in the industry, and this quarter respondents were asked about modular construction. At this time, 29% of HMI respondents indicated they have produced some form of pre-fabricated solution in the past year. But in the next 1-3 years, 90% are considering producing/using some form of factory-built solution. CHBA is actively working on an industry transition strategy to help identify pathways to successfully increase the facotry-built elements of the sector.
Modular Construction Coucil - Focus on Productivity
With 5.8 million new homes required over the next decade in Canada, CHBA's Modular Construction Council is developing a strategic plan focusing on the factory-built sector's contribution to productivity in the residential construction industry. The plan includes actions to increase awareness, stremline permitting, rationalize automation investment, optimize capacity utilization and build business-to-business and business-to-government partnerships.
BC Trucking Association Success in having Speed Limiters Mandates
BCTA is thrilled to announce that our association has achieved a major advocacy win. On April 5, 2023, the BC Government tabled Bill 23, which proposes amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act, in the legislature, which includes mandating speed limiters on heavy-duty trucks.
Shipments and Certification Type Year to Date Report ending May, 2023

Press Release: MHABC Applauds Vancouver’s Natural Gas Amendment for Attainable Housing
July 26, 2024
The Northern Flickee – Seamlessly Blending Innovative Building Techniques with Modern Comforts
May 14, 2024
Chateau De Vine - Sustainably Built for Longevity and a Brighter Tomorrow (Naturally)
May 14, 2024