MHABC Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2020


Highlights Meet Our Board Board Matters What's New? Statistics


2020 MHABC AGM Goes Virtual

After significant debate at the Board level, the decision was made to terminate the in-person component of the October 15th & 16th Annual General Meeting and move solely to a virtual meeting. While having the opportunity for person to person networking, the same rationale was used in making the decision in keeping with the government’s guidance to avoid just this type of interaction. As a result, the meeting will be held solely on the morning of Friday, October 16th commencing at 9 am. The video-conferencing system, GoToMeeting will be used with members able to log-in to the app-based system to connect to the meeting. A tandem conference call system will also be utilized where video-conferencing is not an option.

Most recently, Members will have received the legal notification of Annual General Meeting in accordance with the MHABC by-laws. While a paper version is generally provided, the notice was provided by e-mail. Further, Members will have received a registration e-mail to advise the MHABC if they are participating in the AGM. The AGM information package will then be forwarded onto the respondents. Finally, an opportunity will be provided a few days in advance of the AGM for those Members to “test drive” GoToMeeting and work out any bugs prior to AGM.

While all MHABC Members (and some associated Associations) are permissible to attend the AGM, staff will confirm at the start of the meeting those individuals permissible to vote on motions.

“See” you on October 16th.


Ministry of Agriculture Extends Grandfathering Provisions for Secondary Homes

The government has elected to grandfather the pre-February 2019 policy regarding placement of primary homes and secondary homes on Agriculture Land Reserve properties until July 31,2021. Members are urged to work with their clients to advance any secondary home sales as some uncertainty continues to exist on what the final policy may require.


2019/2020 BOARD of DIRECTORS

Meet Our Board

Frank Ambler - President

Countryside Manufactured Homes

Mark Ellis - Vice-President

Eagle Homes Head Office

Dean Johnstone - Treasurer

SRI Homes Kelowna

Gord Rattray - Executive Director


Jen Barter - Contract Administrator


Shawn Donohoe - Director

Shamrock Modular Home Installations

Walter Fontinha - Director

Moduline Industries Canada Penticton

Ken Jennings - Director

Blackstone Homes Prince George

Michael Newton - Director

Lakeridge Homes

Matthew Salmon - Director

Triple M Homes Lethbridge

Raymond Weicker - Director

Ray's Towing

Board Matters

Spring 2020 Board Meeting Schedule

During the Summer, the Board held conference calls on June 16th and August 25th. The next meeting will be held by video-conference on Tuesday, October 6th.

Home shipments below plan at end of 2nd Quarter

Home shipments at the end of the 2nd quarter, ending August 31st, totaled 301 homes for an average of 50 homes per month. The 2020-21 fiscal budget was developed on an average of 60 homes per month. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact upon MHABC members.

At the same time, the Revenue-Expenses Report to Auguste 31st shows a surplus of $9,800. This principally results from cancellation of the 2020 Conference.

Marketing Program Update

The MHABC Marketing Committee continues to work closely with our marketing firm, FRESH INC. On-going conference calls have been held with FRESH INC staff with a principal focus on operation of as well as creation of informative webinars to educate Members on activities to aid businesses during the pandemic. More information on the webinars is contained in the “What’s New” section.

Nominations Committee Report Circulated

The work of MHABC Directors Ken Jennings and Matthew Salmon (as the MHABC’s Nominating Committee) in developing the next slate of MHABC Directors was wrapped up with the distribution of the Nominations Committee Report. At the time of writing, one Associate position still needs to be filled.

Members are reminded the Nominations Committee Report is a series of recommendations based upon consultation with Member company staff. Where additional persons are interested in joining the Board, they can be nominated from the floor during the upcoming Annual General Meeting. A vote is then held to determine the Directors in each of the categories where additional Nominations are brought forward.

Members Only Section Reporting System Updated

Since the June 2020 Members Only Section update, Members will have been provided a more efficient means for keeping current on factory-built housing issues. Where formerly the information was held within, the new system is “Cloud” based and Members need only to click on a Google link and the documents become instantly accessible. For those Members who have not yet reviewed the new system, they are urged to “click on the link”.

MHABC Group Health Benefits

Please keep the MHABC’s Group Health Benefits Program in mind. Information is available by contacting the office.

Whats New?

Grant McDowell Memorial Bursary Award 2020 Winners

On the left, Grant McDowell Memorial Bursary Award winner Colby Bowman being presented his award by Gordon Homes Sale’s Rod Ekland. On the right, Moduline’s Walter Fontinha presents Grant McDowell Bursary Awards to brother and sister winners Armaan and Amrit Dhaliwal.

MHABC Webinar Series

With reference to the Marketing Committee update, FRESH INC has been developing webinars providing information on marketing during the pandemic and most recently on Transportation and Finance. The webinar schedule was curtailed during the summer with resumption this fall. Members receive an “e-mail blast” advising of the topic and date of the next webinar. Members are urged to take advantage of these valuable webinars when they are held.

CHBA MCC continuing discussions on update to National Model Building

The CHBAs’ Modular Construction Council staff continue to be heavily involved in consultations on the impending changes to the National Model Building Code. This word will culminate in an updated National Code, due for release later in 2021.

My Space and Place Website

The Manufactured Home Park Owners Alliance of BC has developed a website dedicated at profiling the advantages of residing in a manufactured/modular home in a Manufactured Home Park Community. The product is entitled My Space and Place.

As a result of dialogue with key MHPOABC Directors tasked with advancing the website, the MHABC has agreed to provide some financial assistance, profile the website on and ask our Members to profile the website on their individual websites. Please expect further information on this topic once a final strategy is wrapped up on My Space and Place.



Shipments and Certification Type Year to Date Report ending August 31, 2020 – 2nd Quarter