MHABC Quarterly Newsletter Summer 2020


Highlights Meet Our Board Board Matters What's New? Statistics


2022 Conference Program Development Proceeding

In the Spring Newsletter, Members were advised that the 2022 Conference will be held at Penticton’s Lakeside Resort and Conference Centre from Monday, May 2nd to noon on Wednesday. The Board is keeping fingers crossed that the COVID-19 pandemic will not again impact the planned in-person conference.

The Board is now working on the Program which will not be in place fully until later this winter. What is know at this time is the 29th Annual Gerry Brown Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on the Monday at the Fairview Mountain Golf Club. The Fairview course was constructed in 1926 and today is rated as one of the top public facilities in Canada. The MHABC has been here before and we are looking at revisiting this incredible facility. An ice-breaker will be held later that evening.

Tuesday will see the business sessions and President’s Reception and Banquet. The business session programs is anticipated to focus on energy efficiency with the evolution to more stringent energy efficiency requirements being promoted at both the Provincial and Federal governments. The Board is also working with potential Conference partners to increase awareness of our industry amongst other sectors.

The Annual General Meeting will close of the conference on Wednesday morning.

Members are urged to book the dates and plan on making hotel reservations. See you in Pentiction next Spring (fingers crossed!).


Innovations Awards – Applications Needed

Over the last few years, the MHABC’s annual Innovations Awards program has been evolving. While applications have been fewer than anticipated, Members are beginning to gain an awareness of the program with those past successful applicants have used the award most effectively is promoting greater homes sales. Simply put, Members are asked to submit applications in 3 categories: Z240MH, A277 and Z241. The applications should highlight areas where Retailers have applied innovative approaches to improving home efficiency and appearance. Our marketing firm FRESH INC acts as an independent thirdparty adjudicator and builds a team to assess the applications received by FRESH INC.

Members are urged to aid in the on-going evolution by submitting more applications in all three categories. Applications should ideally be submitted by January 2022.


Nominations for Manufactured Housing Person of the Year Award Requested

The Manufactured Housing Person of the Year Award honours persons involved in the factory-built housing industry who stand out as providing greater levels of service. While the majority of Person of the Years have exhibited long-service, nominations are not restricted to having multiple years in the industry or age! The Board of Directors maintains a list of nominees named in the past, Members are urged to provide names that can be added to this list. During the Spring, Directors are consulted by the Executive Director on the standing list in requesting a list of preferences. The individual nominee receiving the most #1 preferences is then that year’s Manufactured Housing Person of the Year.

Members are asked to provide names in confidence to the Executive Director who will then include these names in the standing list. Please provide nominations no later that the end of February 2022.

2021/2022 BOARD of DIRECTORS

Meet Our Board

Matthew Salmon - President

Triple M Housing Ltd.

Mark Ellis - Vice-President

Eagle Homes

Amanda Hammer - Treasurer

Hammer Ventures

Chris Andersen - Director

Iconic Island Dwellings

Shawn Donohoe - Director

Shamrock Manufactured Home Services

Ashlee Garratt - Director

Moduline Penticton

Dean Johnstone - Director

SRI Homes Kelowna

Michael Newton - Director

Lakeridge Homes Inc.

Todd Plotnikoff - Director

Northpoint Financial

Michael Unger - Director

Blackstone Homes

Raymond Weicker - Director

Ray’s Towing Ltd.

Board Matters

Summer 2020 Board Meeting Schedule

During the Summer, the Board held a video-conference call on August 24th following the summer break.

The next meeting is scheduled to be held on Monday evening, October 4th and Tuesday, October 5th at the Coast Capri Hotel in Kelowna. The meeting will include a Board retreat session to discuss a number of key areas including Board meeting protocols and updating of the MHABC’s strategic plan.

Home shipments exceed plan for 2nd quarter ending August 31st

Home shipments at the end of the 2nd quarter substantially exceed plan shipments. The 2021-22 budget is based upon an average of 55 home shipments per month. The actual shipments amounted to 166 homes for an average of 69 homes per month at the end of the 2nd quarter.

The impacts on overall finances have obvious influenced by the higher shipments with a surplus of revenues over expenses of approximately $16,300 and increasing Members Equity.

Secondary Homes Policy Update

Members have received updates on the status of impending secondary homes on ALR lands over the last few months. This new policy comes into effect on December 31,2021. In receiving comments on the new policy, the major issue with Members is the size of permissible homes on parcels of land 40 ha or less. On these properties, the new legislation will only permit homes to a maximum of 90 square meters or 970 square feet. In addressing these concerns, the MHABC Board has authorized a letter to be sent to Ministry of Agriculture requesting an increase in this size to that of the larger tracts of land and in the area of 186 square meters or approximately 2000 square. At this present, a response from the Ministry of Agriculture is pending.

Transportation Update

Transportation Directors Ray Weicker and Amanda Hammer have been busy throughout the summer dealing with multiple issues.

On EOL permit delays, conference calls involving CVSE and the BC Trucking Association have been held towards providing information on the challenges. Routinely, permit times for receipt of EOL permits can be in the range of one month which is causing real problems for the Retailers and Transporter, not to mention the home purchasers in providing prompt service and more expedient access to the new homes. Substantially more information will be provided on this topic in due course.

On recent implementation of new Pilot Car Guidelines, there has been confusion on whether one or two pilots is required on standard 4.4-meter-wide homes. In requesting clarification from CVSE, the MHABC has been advised that the current requirement outlined in CVSE 1000S stand and only one pilot car is required on twoland and multi-lane highways. CVSE has advised their officials and weigh-station personnel that this is the policy with Transporters urged to ensure a CVSE 1000S form is carried in the vehicle. A formal clarification on this issue will be provided soon. Also, please seen the June 28th MHABC e-mail providing information on the new policy.

On expansion of 5-meter-wide routes, Ray’s Towing recently completed a pilot run on Hwy 3A (Kaleden to Keremeos) with oversight from a CVSE engineer. Formalization of this route an approved 5-meter-wide is underway. The establishment of this route will provide more efficient means to move homes going south from Penticton.

Marketing Program Update

The MHABC’s Marketing Committee and staff met with our marketing firm, FRESH INC multiple times during the summer. Key topics included performance and updating of, new webinar development and the 2022 Conference program.

On the webinars, Members have been provided updates on the status of webinars and podcasts. More have been added recently with Members being encouraged to visit the library and take advantage of the information available.

The MHABC and Modular Housing Assn Prairie Provinces are in joint collaboration on an additional webinar explaining the process for purchasing a factory-built home.

MHABC to provide Keynote Presentation during Association of Interior Realtors Education Week

The MHABC has been requested to provide act a Keynote Presenter during the Association of Interior Realtors Education scheduled for the week of October 4th. The Board has asked Executive Director Gord Rattray to provide the presentation, now scheduled for October 7th.

Welcome to New Member(s)

Welcome to new Member, Paul Williams Notary Corporation.

MHABC Group Health Benefits

Please keep the MHABC’s Group Health Benefits Program in mind. Information is available by contacting the office.

Whats New?

Canadian Home Builders Association Update

The Canadian Home Builders Association operates at the local, provincial and national levels in advocating for the home construction industry as well as sharing information. MHABC receive monthly updates on CHBA activities in the monthly Members Only Correspondence updates.

In sharing information and education, CHBA produces very informative webinars with scheduling information provided either directly on included in the monthly updates. Most recently, CHBA National and MNP LLP collaborated on a September 23rd webinar dealing with Succession Planning for Business. Information on the webinar was sent directly to MHABC members.

BC Housing Webinars

BC Housing continues to provide exceptional webinars in a number of key. Most recently, BC Housing held a September 15th webinar dealing with Building Knowledge – Best Practices for Accessory Dwelling Units.

The MHABC collaborates with BC Housing in providing information on when the webinars are scheduled. The fee for attending the webinars is very reasonable and Members are encouraged to take advantage of the information provided when the MHABC e-mails are received announcing future webinars.

MHAPP Conference to be held on November 18-19, 2021 in Edmonton

The Modular Housing Association Prairie Provinces will, once again, be holding an in-person Conference scheduled for November 18th and 19 at the Fantasyland Hotel located in the West Edmonton Mall.

MHABC Members interested in attending the MHAPP Conference are asked to contact the office for more information or going directly to MHAPP at

to profile the website on their individual websites. Please expect further information on this topic once a final strategy is wrapped up on My Space and Place.



Shipments and Certification Type Year to Date Report Ending August 21,2021