Planning for 2023 Summit Proceeding
Following up on the successful MHABC 2022 Summit format, planning is well underway with the expectation the 2023 Summit will maintain a focus on key issues from climate change to implementation of new innovative practices. A very preliminary 2023 Summit program will be provided to the Directors during the upcoming Board call.
With reference to the location, the Board felt it was timely to hold the conference again on the coast owing to the fact the last Conference outside of the Okanagan was held at Victoria’s Laurel Point back in 2014. During the last Board meeting consideration was given to holding the 2023 AGM/Conference in either Victoria or Harrison Hot Springs. Owing to higher costs and challenges in travel to Vancouver Island, the Board made the decision to hold the AGM/Conference at Harrison Hot Springs, a venue that has not been used since 2007.
Final dates are still being confirmed, however, the first week of May 2023 appears to be the most likely timing. Please mark this week in your calendar and begin planning for another entertaining, informational, and educational event.
MHABC Technical Session Planning in Progress
As the 2022 Summit was elevated to a high level with a focus on climate change (ie. greenhouse gas reduction and the impacts of climate change on communities such as Lytton), new innovations including the use of renewable gas and other new technologies, and First Nations Housing Strategies, the Board of Directors has mandated an additional session to deal with multiple policy issues. Priority of the “Technical Day” will place emphasis on the BC Building Code 2022 update and demands of the Energy Step Code. Ongoing planning is underway with a goal of holding a “Technical Day” later this fall once all the elements required to put together such a session are in place. Members will be receiving a poll requesting input towards finalizing topics and presenters. The poll will be circulated very soon with Members asked to provide responses as soon as possible.
The date for the session will be announced as soon as all details have been finalized.
2022/2023 BOARD of DIRECTORS
Meet Our Board
Matthew Salmon - President
Triple M Housing
Mark Ellis - Vice-President
Eagle Homes
Amanda Hammer - Treasurer
Hammer Ventures
Chris Andersen - Director
Iconic Island Dwellings
Shawn Donohoe - Director
Shamrock Manufactured Home Services
Ashlee Garratt - Director
Moduline Penticton
Dean Johnstone - Director
SRI Homes Kelowna
Todd Plotnikoff - Director
Northpoint Commercial Finance
Phil Sensenig - Director
Pineridge Modular
Michael Unger - Director
Blackstone Homes
Raymond Weicker - Director
Ray’s Towing Ltd.
Gord Rattray - Executive Director
Jennifer Barter - Contract Administrator

Special thanks to our Key Partner Fortis.
Please visit Fortisinc.com for information on Delivering a Clean Energy Future.
Board Matters

Summer 2022 Board Meeting Schedule
During the summer, the Board met via Zoom on August 23rd in keeping with the standard practice of reducing meetings during the summer period.
The next Board meeting is scheduled to be held by Zoom on Tuesday, October 18th.
Home shipments on plan for 2nd quarter ending August 31st.
Shipments for the 2nd quarter ending August 31st are on plan with an average of 75 homes per month on planned shipments of 75 homes per month.
For Year-to-Date figures, the average came in at 79 homes per month resulting in higher revenues that plan.
MHABC Code of Ethics Statements under review
Members will soon be receiving a MHABC Code of Ethics foam core style display sign for placement alongside their Membership plaque. This results from a Board of Directors decision to promote the MHABC Code of Ethics towards ensuring customers recognize the values of purchasing through a Member Retailer or Manufacturer.
Prior to completing printing, the Board will be undertaking a review of the wording of the Code of Ethics. The current wording has been in place for many years and the Directors felt a review now was warranted to ensure the language meets current expectations.
Transportation Update
Transportation Directors Ray Weicker and Amanda Hammer have been active through the summer period in collaborating with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement Branch.
A key focus has been establishing a window along Hwy #5 (Coquihalla), to accommodate homes beyond the current restriction. With the on-going repairs to the highway as well as the extensive pipeline construction, maximum widths have been restricted to 5.5 meters. This has precluded the movement of larger homes which have been constructed and are ready for transport to the Fraser Valley. A window was originally established for mid-September, however, this had to be postponed due the wildfire in Hope – Laidlaw. Discussions are now underway towards determining when the next transport window can be scheduled.
Efforts are also continuing to address the transport of homes along Hwy #3-Anarchist Mountain which has been impacted by the relocation of no-post rails following repaving of the major lookout on this route. The MHABC has provided schematic drawings to illustrate standard dimensions. In collaboration, MTI will conduct a survey of the site with a goal of relocating the no-post rails following MTI engineering analysis.
Marketing Program Update
The MHABC’s Marketing Committee continues to provide on-going guidance to FRESH INC, the marketing firm overseeing the MHABC’s marketing activities. These including managing MHABC.com, undertaking social media campaigns and providing design support in preparing necessary items required for the upcoming 2023 summit.
Most recently, MHABC staff, with the involvement of government relations consultant Paul Binotto, met with FRESH INC to undertake preliminary discussions on the 2023 Summit Program as well reviewing our social-media marketing campaign.
FRESH INC has also been in discussions with Building and Safety Standards Branch officials towards the development of webinars with a focus on BC’s Step Code and impending of policy mandating a minimum of Step Code 3 commencing this fall.
Another activity completed during the summer was upgrading of the Members database page on MHABC.com. The previous system required updating owing to the advancement of technology and the need for new programming. As with any changes in website updating, it is expected there will be challenges in transferring information from the previous system to the new system. Members are requested to visit the site to make sure their respective information remains accurate.
MHABC to attend upcoming Manufactured Home Park Owners Alliance of BC Prince George Conference
The Directors have approved the attendance of Executive Director Gord Rattray at the September 30th and October 1st Conference of the Manufactured Home Park Owners Alliance of BC being held in Prince George. It is anticipated that additional MHABC representation may be present at the upcoming conference with a handful of member companies being MHPOABC themselves and potentially sending Directors to take part.
The MHABC continues to work closely with the MHPOABC owing to our close ties in providing homes to the manufactured home park communities as well as our joint involvement in Union of BC Municipalities’ conferences. This a strong partnership that provides benefits to both Associations.
Whats New?
Grant McDowell Memorial Bursary 2022 Award Recipient

The recipient of a 2022 Grant McDowell Memorial Bursary was Robin Brown of Courtenay, BC. Robin will be attending Vancouver Island University this fall. Iconic Island Dwelling’s Chris Andersen presents a MHABC bursary award plaque to Robin Brown, successful recipient of a 2022 Grant McDowell Memorial Bursary Award.
Modular Housing Association Conference scheduled for November 16th and 17th in Calgary
Join us for the MHAPP Annual Conference being hosted in Calgary, Alberta. We are very excited to be able to gather as a group and celebrate our industry! Enjoy our great speaker line-up, networking, and entertainment.
Learn MoreBC Housing Mass Timber Webinars Schedule for October 4th and 18th
What are the costs to build a 7-12 storey multi-family building with mass timber in BC? How will these buildings meet BC Energy Step Code requirements? Join us online for the answers to these questions with six industry specialists. Speakers will share highlights from their recent B.C. study on the economics of building with mass timber.
Learn MoreChallenge of Making BC “Affordable”
Metro Vancouver builders will have to construct about 523,530 units to deliver the number of units a Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. study says is required to achieve a 40 per cent housing affordability rate by 2030, according to an analysis by Wesgroup, a Vancouver-based developer of units for both the owner-occupier and rental markets.
Learn MoreMetro Vancouver housing starts down 28% in July
Bucking a national trend, Metro Vancouver July housing starts fell 28 per cent compared to a month earlier, according to the latest data from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. (CMHC).
Learn MoreBC Trucking Association Newsletter Article – ELD Enforcement coming January 1,2023
ELD Enforcement is coming January 1st- Are You Prepared?
The electronic logging device (ELD) mandate for federally mandated carriers will take effect on January 1, 2023.
The Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) has advised that the provinces and territories are firmly committed to enforcing the ELD mandate in January 2023 and no announcements or further delays are expected. British Columbia is finalizing regulation surrounding the mandate, and the Government of BC intends to begin enforcement of ELDs at the start of the coming year.
Learn MoreReport
Shipments and Certification Type Year to Date Report ending August 31, 2022

Press Release: MHABC Applauds Vancouver’s Natural Gas Amendment for Attainable Housing
July 26, 2024
The Northern Flickee – Seamlessly Blending Innovative Building Techniques with Modern Comforts
May 14, 2024
Chateau De Vine - Sustainably Built for Longevity and a Brighter Tomorrow (Naturally)
May 14, 2024