MHABC Quarterly Newsletter Winter 2022-23


Highlights Meet Our Board Board Matters What's New? Statistics


2023 Summit/AGM Program nearing finalization

The Program for the MHABC’s 2023 SUMMIT/AGM is nearing completion with only minor refinements expected. The current program and registration information are available on

In summary, this year’s SUMMIT will build upon the successful 2022 SUMMIT which addressed affordable housing, energy efficiency, climate change as well as others focusing upon the government goals of providing more affordable, energy efficient homes while targeting strategies to address climate change. While May 8th is the standard golf tournament and ice-breaker, May 9th will include presentations by MHABC support personnel on achievements via the government advocacy program, Brian Yu of Central One Credit Union will provide the economics update followed by presentations by CMHC and Dr. Mohamed Al Hussein. May 10th is targeted at energy efficiency with workshops on plant optimization, energy modelling and Step Code compliance and concluding with a workshop provided by BCIT’s Department of Construction and Environment on building envelope strategies.

This SUMMIT is considered the most important in decades with the government’s move towards greater energy efficiency and ensuring an awareness by our Members towards ensuring compliance with the government’s objectives.

Full registration information is available upon With the support of our key partners, the MHABC has been able to promote greater participation by local government planners and building officials as well as numerous elected officials. MHABC Members are encouraged to take the time to attend this SUMMIT due to the importance of ensuring affordable and energy efficient homes for our customers. See you in Harrison in May!

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MHABC Executive Director Recruitment Proceeding

Following the announcement by current MHABC Executive Director Gord Rattray in late 2022 on his plans to retire, the MHABC Board has established a Recruitment Committee involving President Matthew Salmon, Vice-President Mark Ellis, Director Dean Johnstone with the support of MHABC Contract Administrator Jennifer Barter and FRESH INC’s Jennifer McKinney providing social media services. A portal has been created on for interested candidates to submit applications. Members aware of persons with the necessary skills and looking for a new opportunity in a very important endeavour are asked to direct these people to the portal.

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2023/2024 BOARD of DIRECTORS

Meet Our Board

Mark Ellis - President

Eagle Homes

Chris Andersen - Vice President

Iconic Island Dwellings

Amanda Hammer - Treasurer

Hammer Ventures

Shawn Donohoe - Director

Shamrock Manufactured Home Services

Ashlee Garratt - Director

Moduline Penticton

Dean Johnstone - Director

SRI Homes Kelowna

Ash Neudorf - Director

Blackstone Homes

Todd Plotnikoff - Director

Northpoint Commercial Finance

Matthew Salmon - President

Triple M Housing Ltd.

Phil Sensenig - Director

Pineridge Modular

Raymond Weicker - Director

Ray’s Towing Ltd.

Gord Rattray - Executive Director


Jen Barter - Contract Administrator


Special thanks to our Key Partner Fortis.
Please visit for information on Delivering a Clean Energy Future.

Board Matters

Winter 2022/23 Board Meeting Schedule

During the Winter, the Board held video conference calls on January 10th, February 21st and March 28th. The next meeting is scheduled to be held via video conference on April 26th in preparation for the May 9th Annual General Meeting.

Home Shipments Below Plan 4th Quarter Ending February 28,2023

Home shipments at the end of the 4th quarter, ending February 28th were below plan. The 2022/23 budget was based upon an average of 75 home shipments per month with an actual average figure of 49 homes per month for the 4th quarter. As February 28th represents the end of the 2022-23 fiscal year, overall shipments were 845 homes for an average of 70.4 homes per month.

As a result of the lower shipments, revenues are below plan and as reported in previous newsletters, higher than plan expenses for the 2022 Summit/AGM as well as Directors and staff travel expenses have resulted in the planned deficit of $(8,500) being exceeded. Final revenue and expense figures will be presented in the 2022-23 Financial Review being prepared by the accounting firm of Trevor Holmgren, CPA Inc which has handled MHABC finances for decades.

MHABC Code of Ethics Statement Review

As announced in the Fall 2022 Newsletter, the Board undertook a comprehensive review of the MHABC’s Code of Ethics over the last number of months. The updated Code of Ethics saw refinement of the current language with a focus on key messaging around customer satisfaction and the benefits of purchasing through MHABC members. A final draft was approved in a recent Board meeting with copies to be presented to Members in due course with receipt of countertop and wall posters for display in Retail centres.

Government Advocacy Program and Innovations Project Review

The MHABC’s Government Advocacy and Innovations Program continues to work towards promotion of the innovations associated with manufactured and modular housing. The program for the 2023 SUMMIT/AGM builds upon the work to date with highlight of key projects including development of a model by-law towards promotion of updated local government building, zoning and permitting bylaws. Also, with the importance of upcoming BC Building Code amendments, the MHABC team has focused on dealing with how our Members are addressing compliance with Energy Efficiency Step 3 requirements, both in the plant and upon installation on site. More on these topics will be presented during the w023 SUMMIT/AGM.

Secondary Homes Review meeting requested

With the policy addressing the placement of secondary homes on Agriculture Land Commission lands now having been in place for nearly two years, the MHABC has requested a meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (the Ministry overseeing the Agriculture Land Commission) to discuss the status of the policy. At the time of implementation, the MHABC had requested more flexibility of the size of homes on smaller land holdings and sought the opportunity to inform the MAFF on how our industry was faring with this restriction. The meeting has been requested for early April. During the Secondary Homes Policy review which commenced in early 2019, the MHABC created a Secondary Homes Working Group comprised of MHABC Retailer and Manufacturer Members. This working group is still in place with the respective Members participating in the upcoming meeting.

Transportation Update

Transportation Directors Ray Weicker and Amanda Hammer continued to be active through the winter period collaborating with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement Branch. An in-person meeting was held with CVSE’s Commercial Transport Manager Courtenay Lowther and CVSE Engineer Nam Nguyen on January 10th. The meeting addressed a wide range of topics ranging from the recent MHABC submission on the Widths and Lengths Dimensions Review, additional 5- meter-wide route piloting and the MHABC’s proposal for more flexibility on travel time windows.

On the 5-meter-wide piloting discussion, a proposed pilot along Hwy #3 from Rock Creek to Castlegar is scheduled to be held in mid-May. The strategy will see a CVSE/MTI engineer meet the proposed load at a plant in Kelowna and travel with the load to Castlegar.

Marketing Program Update

The MHABC Marketing Committee was created to oversee the MHABC’s Marketing program being managed under the auspices of marketing firm, FRESH INC. The Committee meets in advance of regularly scheduled Board meetings with the agenda set by FRESH INC’s Jennifer McKinney. During the most recent meeting, Jennifer was able to provide detailed statistics on visitations and durations of visits to In all cases, the statistics indicate significant interest by the general public in learning more about our products based upon the number of visits and duration on site. In addition, FRESH INC has been instrumental in developing more information associated with Step Code implementation with a series of webinars scheduled for release in the near future.

Finally, FRESH INC has provided significant support in promoting the upcoming MHABC Summit as well provided communications services for the Executive Director recruitment.

Call for Manufactured Housing Peron of the Year Nominations

At each MHABC Summit banquet, a worthy person is awarded the Manufactured Housing Person of the Year Award. This award is given to a person based upon their excellent customer service and knowledge of our industry. These individuals need not have been in the industry for decades with both vastly experienced and new to the industry nominees eligible to receive the award. Final determination of the winner will be made closer to the date of the SUMMIT and there is still time for Members to nominate potential candidates.

Innovations Awards

Members have received on-going requests for submission of nominations for the Innovations Awards. These awards target all three certification types used by our industry including CSA Z240MH, CSA 277 and CSA Z241 homes. The Innovations Awards has now been in place for over 3 years and is gaining momentum. Members are requested to submit award packages as soon as possible with a goal of having at least one submission in all three categories. Determination of the successful awards is being handled by Modular Housing Association Prairie Provinces representatives.

Nominations Committee Report circulated

The report of the 2023 Nominations Committee prepared by MHABC Directors Phil Sensenig and Todd Plotnikoff was recently circulated to the Membership. In the note accompanying the Report, clarification was provided in that this is the work of the Board to ensure a slate of qualified Directors is in place to carry on the governance of the MHABC but does not preclude Members from bringing forward additional nominations during the Annual General Meeting. In cases where Nominations are brought forward from the floor, a simple voting process is established with ballots casted during the AGM with a final report of the Directors named prior to adjournment of the AGM.

MHABC Group Health Benefits

Please keep the MHABC’s Group Health Benefits Program in mind. Information is available by contacting the office.

Proud Supporters of the Ronald McDonald House Charity

The MHABC is a contributor to the Ronald McDonald House Charity – BC and the Yukon. Contributions are made quarterly based upon the number of homes shipped during the prior quarter. Ronald McDonald House serves the children (and families) of BC and the Yukon requiring treatment at Childrens Hospital.

Whats New?

Coming May 1, 2023: BC Building Code Changes


The BC Building Code changes to enable 20% better energy efficiency and provide an opt-in Zero Carbon Step Code (formerly known as the Carbon Pollution Standard) were signed by the Minister of Housing last week and will take effect May 1, 2023.

Highlights include:

  • Backup heat from wood stoves and decorative gas fireplaces will be excluded from GHG modelling in Part 9 buildings. This responds to feedback from communities that experience frequent power outages.
  • CHBA BC’s submission incorporated member feedback from all locals and provided recommendations to exclude backup emergency heat. We’ll be providing additional updates as the effective date gets closer.
  • 2023 BC Budget Includes a Focus on Building More Homes (CHBABC) VICTORIA, British Columbia, February 28, 2023

    Today, the Hon. Katrine Conroy, Minister of Finance, presented the 2023 BC Budget that spends big on housing and focuses on creating more supply through $4.2 billion in funding over the next three years.

    This includes $2 billion in capital funding and other investments that will go towards affordable housing programs and projects. Items in the 2023 BC Budget that are in-keeping with residential industry priorities include:

    “This budget signals that the BC government is serious about removing the barriers and red tape fueling the housing shortage that exists in the province” said CHBA BC CEO, Neil Moody. “We’re encouraged by the recent announcements related to housing being magnified by what we see in the 2023 BC Budget today. However, more supports are needed to help the industry meet CleanBC goals.”

    Unfortunately, funding for CleanBC enhancements has been drastically reduced from $24 million to $11 million for the 2023/ 24 period. While this investment potentially allows the CleanBC Better Homes Program to continue, it is inadequate to enable low carbon market transformation in new residential construction.

    CMHC data shows over 500,000 new homes need to be built to restore affordability in B.C. Increasing housing supply and streamlining its delivery remains a priority for CHBA BC and the association will work with the government on creating more housing choices across the province. With demand for housing of all types at an all time high, interest rates seeming to have plateaued and the expectation of stability with inflation, CHBA BC is pleased to see that no new tax increases on housing are included in the 2023 BC Budget.

    BC Announces Provincial ELD Mandate for August 1st (BC Trucking Assn February 21st)

    The BC Government has announced the implementation of a provincial ELD mandate, effective August 1, 2023.

    The announcement made on February 13 comes after much lobbying by BCTA and now harmonizes BC with the federal government and most other provinces.

    Of significance is the following:

    1. The mandate comes into effect August 1, 2023, including violations and ticketing.
    2. Any exemptions provided to this regulation are by Director approval which can be removed/added by way of notice. This was an ask of BCTA so that exemptions are not enshrined subject to another regulatory amendments, but rather can be added/removed quickly and efficiently by way of notice from a government statutory decision maker.
    3. The mandate only applies to provincially regulated vehicles that travel outside of 160 kilometers from their home terminal (does not apply to local vehicles operating under local driving hours)
    4. Local drivers will be permitted, by way of CVSE circular to occasional travel outside of 160 km and not require an ELD if the driver has no more than one trip outside of 160 km for the current day or within the previous 14 days to a maximum of 6 days within a 60-day period.
    5. BCTA held a webinar with Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement on February 17th to review the regulation and answer any questions carriers may have. If you would like a copy of the presentation, please contact Samira Hosseina, BCTA Policy Analyst.

    For details on the Provincial ELD Mandate, please refer to:



    Shipments and Certification Type Year to Date Report ending February 28, 2023